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भ्रष्टाचार का दर्द

राजेश | रविवार, 17/1/2010

भारत के भ्रष्टाचार पर जलवायु परिवर्तन की ही तरह अकादमिक चर्चा होती है. कोई अति-उत्साही सुझाव देता है- 'चीन की तरह मौत की सज़ा होनी चाहिए'...फिर अति-व्यावहारिक सुझाव- 'रिश्वत का रेट फ़िक्स होना चाहिए...'

अकादमिक यानी हमारा कोई 'लेना-देना' नहीं है, 'हम तो देश भविष्य के लिए चिंतित हैं'. भ्रष्टाचार पर चर्चा में हमारा अपना आचरण कितना 'भ्रष्ट' है इसका एहसास न होना एक बड़ी समस्या है.

संयोगवश 'लेने' लायक़ हालत मेरी कभी नहीं रही, लेकिन 'देने' का दर्द भूला नहीं हूँ, इसमें 'देने' से मना न कर पाने की ग्लानि भी शामिल है, यानी मैं नहीं कह सकता कि मेरा कोई 'लेना-देना' नहीं है.

भ्रष्टाचार लोकाचार है, ये एहसास पहली बार 21 साल की उम्र में हुआ जब नए बने मकान में पानी का कनेक्शन जुड़वाने के लिए अपने हाथों से घूस दी, अपने उबलते ख़ून से ज्यादा परवाह पीने के पानी की थी. उसूलों की लड़ाई में नया घर करबला बन सकता था.

देशभक्त लोगों को यह जानकर थोड़ा एक्स्ट्रा दुख होगा कि वह तारीख़ थी--पंद्रह अगस्त.

अक्सर सोचता हूँ कि भ्रष्टाचार को लेकर भारतीय लोग इतने सहनशील क्यों हैं? क्यों ऐसा होता है कि टेलीफ़ोन घोटाले में पकड़ा गया नेता टेलीफ़ोन चुनाव चिन्ह के साथ चुनाव लड़कर भारी बहुमत से जीत जाता है.

बचपन में हमें सिखाया जाता था-- 'जो मिल-बाँट खाए, गंगा नहाए'... कहीं ये उसका असर तो नहीं? रोटी के आटे में से कुछ मछलियों के लिए, एक रोटी गाय के लिए, एक रोटी कुत्ते के लिए, एक कौव्वे के लिए...यानी सबका थोड़ा-थोड़ा हिस्सा.

कहीं भ्रष्टाचार को 'सर्वजन सुखाय' की तरह देखने की हमारी आदत तो नहीं. थोड़ी-सी तकलीफ़ सिर्फ़ तब होती है जब 'देना' पड़ता है (बिल्कुल दहेज की तरह) वर्ना यह भी एक व्यवस्था है जिसे कोई अकेले नहीं बदल सकता, और यहाँ आकर महान लोकतंत्र के सभी नागरिक अकेले हो जाते हैं.

भ्रष्टाचार ख़त्म करने के नारे कभी-कभी लगते हैं लेकिन कोई नहीं सोचता कि अगर सदाचार आ गया तो क्या होगा, इसलिए नहीं सोचता क्योंकि ऐसा होने का यक़ीन किसी को नहीं है, लेते हुए पकड़े जाएँगे तो देके छूट जाएँगे, इस बात का पूरा यक़ीन है.

मेरे ही न जाने कितने दोस्त-रिश्तेदार उसी के सहारे अपना घर चला रहे हैं. सरकारी और प्राइवेट की तरह यह रोज़गार देने वाला तीसरा बड़ा सेक्टर है, हर दफ़्तर में जितने कर्मचारी नियुक्त होते हैं वे अपने तीन-चार एजेंट तैनात करते हैं, ये एजेंट कभी एप्लायमेंट एक्सचेंज नहीं जाते, बेरोज़गारी के आंकड़े में वे शामिल नहीं हैं, उनका घर भी चलता रहता है, आपका काम भी हो ही जाता है.

भ्रष्टाचार से बहुत दुखी होकर एक बार मैं अपने एक अनुभवी और व्यावहारिक मित्र के पास गया. उन्होंने कहा, "तो दे दो न, इतना परेशान क्यों हो रहे हो, दोगे भी और ऊपर से परेशान भी हो".

मेरा मन नहीं माना तो उन्होंने मुझे शांत करने के लिए वही कहा जो गौतम बुद्ध ने पुत्रशोक में विह्वल महिला से कहा था. 'ऐसे घर से एक मुट्ठी चावल ले आ आओ जहाँ कभी कोई न मरा हो...' वे बोले, "मुझे एक ऐसे आदमी से मिलवा दो जिसने घूस न ली हो, न दी हो."

मैंने अपना बता दिया, आप अपने दिल पर हाथ रखकर बताइए. वैसे विश्वास करना ज़रा मुश्किल है. भ्रष्टाचार को ख़त्म करने के बारे में सुझाव देते रहिए, उनका हमेशा स्वागत है.

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Harbhajan Singh just lifted Neeta Ambani


Harbhajan Singh Neeta Ambani | Harbhajan Singh Lifted Nita Ambani Pictures Photos | Harbhajan Singh Neeta Ambani Pictures | Harbhajan Singh Nita Ambani | IPL 2010 1st Semifinal Harbhajan Singh Lifted Nita Ambani Pictures Photos

As the Mumbai Indians stomred into the finals beating Mallya Bangalore Royal Challengers, Neeta Ambani could hold her excitement and rushed to the ground as the moment last bowl was bowled.

Nita Ambani rushed into the ground and climbed on Bhajji without noticing that several lenses flashed in a second to capture the thrilling excitement. Our own romantic Bhajji lifter her in his arms without any problem.

For Nita Ambani, it was long awaited moment, She never misses a single match of Mumbai Indians and always supports players.

I just wish that this also should not become any controversy as news hunters make news here and do not find news

Harbhajan Singh just lifted Neeta Ambani



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Facets of the Nation

  1. The Code of Conduct of the Indian National Flag, which has been dubbed as Flag Code of India, 2002 (282 KB) (PDF file that opens in a new window) is an attempt to bring together laws, conventions, practices, and instructions for the guidance and benefit of everyone concerned. Download National Flag of India (gif - 2 KB).
  2. The song Jana-gana-mana, composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore, was adopted in its Hindi version by the Constituent Assembly as the National Anthem of India on 24 January 1950. It was first sung on 27 December 1911 at the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress. Download Audio - National Anthem of India (817 KB, 0:52 Sec.)

More on Facets of the Nation

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When Sandeep and pals had a great time APARAJITA MUKHERJEE, TNN, 14 February 2010, 12:01am IST Text Size: | Topics: * Shah Rukh Khan * Raghu Rai * Sandeep Kohli * Kamal Rashid Khan (KRK) Sandeep Kohli had his friends at Orange Hara, recently. The occasion was the anniversary of the eatery and we saw Sandeep telling the guests, Darya Darya Twitter Facebook Share Email Print Save Comment “Orange Hara has nothing to do with Scarlett O’Hara of Gone With The Wind; it means the chakra below your navel or anything that’s creative.” Suchet Malhotra treated the guests to lovely music. BIG B AND KKR! Kamal Rashid Khan aka KRK, the Bhojpuri actor of Bigg Boss fame, was heard telling a guest, “Amitabhji hasn’t said yes to my movie yet. But, I think he will. Otherwise, why would he have taken so much time?” FUN @ WORK: VJ Bani, who’d come with her sis, Tanya, said, “I had taken a day off from work so I just dropped by,” adding, “Work too is a lot of fun, I recently met Shah Rukh Khan, he is such a cool guy.” When a guest complimented her and asked if she was wearing designer stuff, she responded, “No man, I am a bachchu right now. I wear ordinary stuff!” Spotted : Neera Puri, Darya, Patric, Madhukar Kumar, Neera Nath, Frank, Raghu Rai, Seher, Tanya, Deepak, Viraz Gupta, Mishka When Sandeep and pals had a great time APARAJITA MUKHERJEE, TNN, 14 February 2010, 12:01am IST Text Size: | Topics: * Shah Rukh Khan * Raghu Rai * Sandeep Kohli * Kamal Rashid Khan (KRK) Sandeep Kohli had his friends at Orange Hara, recently. The occasion was the anniversary of the eatery and we saw Sandeep telling the guests, Darya Darya Twitter Facebook Share Email Print Save Comment “Orange Hara has nothing to do with Scarlett O’Hara of Gone With The Wind; it means the chakra below your navel or anything that’s creative.” Suchet Malhotra treated the guests to lovely music. BIG B AND KKR! Kamal Rashid Khan aka KRK, the Bhojpuri actor of Bigg Boss fame, was heard telling a guest, “Amitabhji hasn’t said yes to my movie yet. But, I think he will. Otherwise, why would he have taken so much time?” FUN @ WORK: VJ Bani, who’d come with her sis, Tanya, said, “I had taken a day off from work so I just dropped by,” adding, “Work too is a lot of fun, I recently met Shah Rukh Khan, he is such a cool guy.” When a guest complimented her and asked if she was wearing designer stuff, she responded, “No man, I am a bachchu right now. I wear ordinary stuff!” Spotted : Neera Puri, Darya, Patric, Madhukar Kumar, Neera Nath, Frank, Raghu Rai, Seher, Tanya, Deepak, Viraz Gupta, Mishka


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Social Bullying in Middle School

Social Bullying in Middle School

Author: Elizabeth Bennett
Published: January 06, 2010 at 3:33 pm

The middle schools years are the worst for most anyone out there. Physically the body goes through many changes as the child enters the teen years. These changes are new and can be a little scary for both males and females.
Psychologically, it is during this period where friendships become most important in the life of the child and parents begin to take a back seat to these new relationships. Seeking independence becomes a great issue. As a result, everything learned from those in authority are forgotten and what is important is what the peer group does and says. Puberty can have a great and lasting affect upon children as they begin to grow up.
Carl Pickhardt, Ph.D recently wrote the book "Why Good Kids Act Cruel" as a learning tool for parents who have children currently at the middle school age. He discusses the five types of social cruelty such as teasing, exclusion, bullying, rumoring, and ganging up on others. Also, why some children do poorly in school and that social safety becomes the main focus as they strive for independence.
When one feels their social safety is endangered, they will let their grades slip by the way side to keep that safety net in tact. A child who does not feel socially safe will not learn in that sort of environment. It is impossible to learn effectively when bullies abuse and torment them at every turn. Not all children are targeted, however, all are aware of what is going on and many times, despite the abuse being wrong, they will participate so they are not suffering socially. So yes, good kids can turn bad within a blink of an eye as a means of survival. Much of this is done away from authority and when this social abuse is brought to anyone in that position, that particular child is known as a “rat” or “snitch.”





Dying young

This article is excerpted from a feature written by LYLA BAVADAM in the September 23, 2005, issue on the large number of malnutrition-related deaths among children in Maharashtra.


A malnourished child being weighed at Nandurbar in Maharashtra. A file picture.

LAST YEAR, in what seemed like a crusade to awaken the conscience of the Maharashtra government, the Marathi-language press relentlessly published reports on the continuing deaths of large number of children owing to malnutrition. The reports said that between April and May 2004, as many as 234 children had died in Nandurbar and Dhule districts, 2,000 in the five tribal-dominated districts of Amravati, Yavatmal, Gadchiroli, Chandrapur and Bhandara in the Vidarbha region and 72 in Dharni and Chikaldhara taluks in the Melghat region, and that 600 children were afflicted with Grade 4 malnutrition, which is life-threatening.

The distressing statistics and photographs had the desired effect. Chief Justice Dalveer Bhandari and Justice Dhananjay Chandrachud of the Bombay High Court were spurred into action and the suo motu writ petition No.5629 of 2004 was born. A notice was issued to the State government, bringing the issue of malnutrition-related deaths and other causes of infant mortality to the forefront once again.

In July 2004, the court issued the first set of directives to the government seeking immediate action. The government was directed to provide the factual health status in representative villages in Gadchiroli, Yavatmal, Amravati, Nandurbar and Dhule districts. The findings in the status report were depressing, but predictable. They brought up the issue of inadequate medical facilities and chronic undernourishment among children for discussion yet again. The State government set up the Committee to Evaluate Child Mortality, headed by the community health specialist Dr. Abhay Bang of the Society for Education, Action and Research in Community Health (SEARCH), whose 2001 report in Marathi on child deaths (Kowali Pangal, or The Fall of Tender Leaves) had also been instrumental in the suo motu action by the court.

In August 2004, the committee submitted its first report. The 55-page report estimated that between 1.20 lakh and 1.75 lakh children died every year in the State for medical reasons. It warned that 38 lakh children would die in the next 20 years if the authorities remained “insensitive to their sufferings”. The report blamed an insensitive bureaucracy for the plight of nearly eight lakh children whose lives were threatened by Grade 3 or 4 malnutrition.

Reviewing the 15-year record of the State in this matter, the report said it found little improvement. The percentage of children affected by Grade 3 or 4 malnutrition had fallen by a mere 0.6 per cent between 1988 and 2002. It also quoted from a study of the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau (NNMB), which said that more than 40 lakh children were affected with Grade 2 to 4 malnutrition in Maharashtra. It estimated that 82,000 children died every year in the rural areas of the State, 23,500 in the tribal areas and 56,000 in urban slums.

Although the report was tabled in the Legislative Council in December 2004 and the Health Minister accepted it saying that its recommendations would be implemented, not much has happened. In March 2005, the committee presented its second report. This report took the next logical step of making detailed recommendations on how to reduce malnutrition and child deaths.

In July, the court inquired what the State government had done. The government admitted that this year there were 1,600 deaths of children.

According to government statistics, the total number of child deaths in the entire State between July 2004 (when the court took an interest in the matter) and June 2005 is estimated to be 45,000. Interestingly, the estimate based on the Sample Registration Survey of the Government of India for the same period is 1,20,000 deaths.

The struggle to make the State accountable has a long history. The problem of under-reporting child deaths was discovered in Gadchiroli, one of the State’s least developed districts, almost a decade ago by SEARCH. The organisation runs a vital statistics measurement system in about 100 villages in the district. In 1998, its team noticed a huge discrepancy between its own findings and those reported by the Health Department. The matter was taken up with the Chief Minister, and the District Collector was asked to recheck the facts. Although an entirely new set of figures emerged from the Collector’s report, it did ultimately validate SEARCH’s findings. The Health and Family Welfare Department had said that the still-birth rate was four. The Collector’s report found it to be 68. The Department claimed an IMR [infant mortality rate] of 13. The Collector found it to be 118.

The differences were shocking and the Health Department stood exposed. The government reacted by transferring the Collector. SEARCH, however, kept up the pressure and with 13 other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) formed the Child Death Study and Action Group (CDSAG), which studied births and deaths in 226 villages and six urban slums for two years at 13 different sites in the State. There were two major facts that the study brought out:

1. While the IMR for the State was a high 66, it was the highest in the tribal areas, at 80.

2. The government was severely under-reporting deaths – in 1998 there were an estimated 1,75,000 child deaths but only 30,000 were officially recorded. This happened apparently with the knowledge of local officials. The CDSAG study found that neonatal deaths accounted for 58.7 per cent of the child deaths, pneumonia for 13.2 per cent, malnutrition 10.4 per cent, and diarrhoeal diseases 10.1 per cent. The remaining 14.3 per cent were attributed to unknown causes.

Global experts estimate that two-thirds of child deaths can be averted by simple health interventions. Proof of this comes from what SEARCH has achieved in Gadchiroli. In a field-based trial, Bang first treated pneumonia in children and brought down the IMR from 121 to 79 in two years. Thereafter, the IMR remained steady despite further reduction in pneumonia and diarrhoea cases. It was only in 1990 that Bang realised that 75 per cent of the dead were newborn children.

Three years later, the internationally acclaimed field trial by SEARCH began in Gadchiroli. It showed that an approach called Home-based Newborn Care could make a huge difference to babies, living or dying. The basis of the programme was an understanding of the region and of tribal culture. SEARCH was aware of the tribal belief that a pregnant mother must starve herself so that the foetus remained small and enabled easy delivery of the baby. Working with these cultural constraints, SEARCH trained village women and dais (midwives) in maternal and neonatal care.

The approach was so successful that the IMR of Gadchiroli was bought down from 121 to 30 per 1,000 births, almost equal to that of China, which has made rapid strides in bringing down the IMR.

A recent report of the Punarvasan Sangharsh Samiti (PSS), a group that fights for tribal rights, says, “The root [of malnutrition] is because of deprivation from natural resources.” In a survey carried out in 22 villages and two resettlement sites of the Sardar Sarovar Project in Nandurbar district, the PSS found that more than 98 children died in April, May and June this year, and 71 of the deaths were related to malnutrition. The survey also verified what the Committee to Evaluate Child Mortality had said: that the government only records 10 per cent of the actual deaths and that malnourishment is rampant among tribal mothers as well.

The other north Maharashtra region to be afflicted with malnutrition is Melghat. The problem is so pernicious here that the government came up with what was thought of as a solution and came to be referred to as the Melghat pattern. Essentially, this involved pumping in a lot of money prior to the monsoon. It was not particularly successful in addressing the problem. The case in north Maharashtra is complicated by the existence of vast forest tracts and, in Melghat, by the presence of large nature reserves, which have been the target of ire of tribal rights groups.

In the new interactions between tribal rights NGOs and conservationists, the focus is on facilitating livelihood earnings and self-determination and not on edging out the tribal people.

Simultaneously, the health care needs of the tribal people in Melghat are being addressed. A mobile health unit started by the Nature Conservation Society Amravati holds regular health camps in remote hamlets.

While much has been done at the ground level by NGOs and sometimes by the local administration, the government has made no comprehensive changes in its approach. After a light rap from the High Court last year over the mounting infant deaths, the State government went into what is referred to as “mission mode” to tackle the problem. It initiated the Malnutrition Eradication Mission. Started in Thane, Nandurbar, Amravati, Dhule and Gadchiroli districts, the mission was meant to follow nutritional guidelines based on a child’s age. With the Chief Minister at its head, it was planned on the same lines as the polio eradication and literacy campaigns. Not much is heard of the mission now.


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A WAR FOR PEACE -RSCCIDNEWS.COM- EDITORIAL Peace is a state of being. War is a state of doing. You have to simply be at peace. But you have to actively start a war. Peace calls for acceptance. War demands action. Peace can be spread. War must be waged. It is at times like these, as the Father of Indian Constitution Dr. B.R. Ambedkar , Lord Gautama Buddha, Gandhi ,once taught us that peace must go against its own character. And turn active rather than stay passive. This is one of those times. A time to wage peace. So we are going to make a start. There comes a time however, when the cry for harmony rings out louder and clearer than the booming weapons of war . And the desire to smile grown stronger than the need to snarl. It is this tolerant face of peace that sometimes lets a drop of hatred to trickle over the beliefs of the majority. Creating a pool of bad blood that spreads over borders and generations. Starting with a series of cross border cultural meets business , seminars and citizens interactions that will give the bonds of humanity a chance to survive outside the battlefields of politics , terrorism and fundamentalism. BECAUSE THE ONLY REAL WAR WE NEED IS A WAR FOR PEACE.

Security jitters as world rings in New Year

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SYDNEY - Revellers across the globe began ringing in the New Year but a Bali terror warning and a deadly shooting in Finland stoked security...
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The 34-year-old
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Sydney welcomes 2010 with fireworks on Harbour

Daily Telegraph - ‎42 minutes ago‎
WITH an explosion of colour, Sydney led the world into the new decade with the promise of blue skies ahead. One billion people around the globe watched on television as bright blue fireworks lit up the city to mark the theme of Awaken the Spirit with ...
Revellers dance in Sydney streets Sydney Morning Herald

Noose tightens around Rathore

indiablooms - ‎48 minutes ago‎

Rathore's wife's plea for early hearing rejected

Hindustan Times - ‎1 hour ago‎
Amid growing public pressure on Ruchika molestation case, CBI today decided to file an appeal for enhancement of jail term of convicted former Haryana Police chief SPS Rathore and said it was examining the possibility of charging the accused with ...

Priyanka Chopra India's top brand endorser of 2009

Hindustan Times - ‎5 hours ago‎
After emerging as one of the leading actresses in Bollywood, Priyanka Chopra has been declared India's top brand endorser in 2009, says a report.

CBI gets sanction to prosecute Cong leader Sajjan Kumar

Times of India - ‎1 hour ago‎
PTI 31 December 2009, 06:13pm IST NEW DELHI: Keeping the deadline set by Home Minister P Chidambaram, Delhi's Lt Governor Tejinder Khanna on Thursday granted sanction to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to chargesheet senior Congress leader ...
Sify - indiablooms - Zee News - Times Now.tv

Pakistan seeks terrorism charges against Americans

Reuters - Kamran Haider, Michael Georgy - ‎1 hour ago‎
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani police will ask a court to charge five Americans detained in the country this month with planning terrorist attacks and jail them for life, a police official said on Thursday.
Info Picks Deliciously nippy mornings, cosy razzals , steaming hot coffee and chapped lips. Yes, winter is here ! Lip Service : Lips tend to dry out in winter. They become chapped and sometimes the tender skin splits and bleeds. • Apply a good lip balm frequently during the day. A lip balm with Vitamin E and SPF of 15 is preferable . A quick home remedy is warm sesame oil(til oil) or a smearing of fresh ghee. • Don’t lick your lips through you may feel like doing so. This makes them drier. • Chewing the dry skin on your lips or peeling it off is a strict no-no.

See what INDIA lost after partition of India and Pakistan ...


Once in a Blue Moon on New Year's Eve -- or Not?

ABC News - Mae Heussner - ‎22 minutes ago‎
New Year's Eve is never dull. But tonight's the kind of night that happens just once in a blue moon. The term "blue moon" now refers to the second full moon in a month, but folklorists say the phrase has a long and rich history.
MiamiHerald.com - Los Angeles Times - Global Surf News - Suburbanite

This is indeed a Gr8 loss..lets extend a friendly hand towards Pakistan



1) Mobile

Don't put your mobile closer to your ears until the recipient answers, Because directly after dialing, the mobile phone would use it's maximum signaling power, which is: 2watts = 33dbi. Please Be Careful. Please use left ear while using cell (mobile), because if you use the right one it may affect brain directly. This is a true fact from Apollo medical team.



Do not drink APPY FIZZ . It contains cancer causing agent.


3) Mentos

Don't eat Mentos before or after drinking Coke or Pepsi coz the person will die immediately as the mixture becomes cyanide. Please fwd to whom u care


4) Kurkure

Don't eat kurkure because it contains high amount of plastic if U don't Believe burn kurkure n u can see plastic melting. Please forward to all!!!!!!!!! !! News report from Times of India


5) Avoid these tablets as they are very dangerous

* D cold * Vicks action- 500 * Actified * Coldarin * Co some * Nice * Nimulid * Cetrizet-D They contain Phenyl- Propanol -Amide PPA.Which Causes strokes, and these tablets are banned in U.S.


6) Cotton Ear Buds

cid:image008.jpg@01CA5B9C.5F743EC0 cid:image009.jpg@01CA5B9C.5F743EC0 cid:image010.jpg@01CA5B9C.5F743EC0

Cotton Ear Buds... (Must read it) Please do not show sympathy to people selling buds on roadside or at Signals..... Just wanted to warn you people not to buy those packs of ear buds you get at the roadside. It's made from cotton that has already been used in hospitals. They take all the dirty, blood and pus filled cotton, wash it, bleach it and use it to make ear buds. So, unless you want to become the first person in the world to get Herpes Zoster Oticus (a viral infection of the inner, middle, and external ear) of the ear and that too from a cotton bud, DON'T BUY THEM! Please forward to all this may be helpful for someone..... ....... Please forward to all your near and dear ones....!


Dr. T. S. Roy MD, PhD Professor Department of Anatomy All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi - 110 029 Phone: 91-11-26594880 Fax: 91-11-26588663, 26588641

Dr Rima Dada, M.D., Ph.D(Genetics) , MAMS Associate Professor, Dept of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS) New Delhi 110029-INDIA

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चांस पे डांस : मौका चूका

'चांस पे डांस' के रूप में एक और स्ट्रगलर की कहानी पर फिल्म आ गई जो चकाचौंध से भरी दुनिया में आकर छा जाना चाहता है। उसे एक चांस का इंतजार है जिसके सहारे वह लंबी छलाँग लगा सके। समीर (शाहिद कपूर) के पिता (परीक्षित साहनी) की दिल्ली में साड़ी की दुकान है। बेटे को फिल्म लाइन में जाना है क्योंकि बचपन से ही उसकी माँ को लगता था कि वह बहुत बड़ा स्टार बनेगा। हर माँ ऐसा ही सोचती है, इसमें नया क्या है। मायानगरी मुंबई में समीर का संघर्ष शुरू ...

'चांस पे डांस' मेरी जिंदगी पर आधारित नहीं: शाहिद जोश 18

मुंबई. मास्टर ब्लास्टर सचिन तेंदुलकर द्वारा शहरवासियों से 'पानी बचाओ' की अपील पर शिवसेना द्वारा मचाया गया कोहराम शुक्रवार को बडे ही नाटकीय ढंग से थम गया| दरअसल शुक्रवार को अपने पिछले बयानों से पलटते हुए शिवसेना ने कहा कि वो सचिन का विरोध नहीं बल्की शार्ट फिल्म की उस स्क्रिप्ट का विरोध कर रही है जिसमें सचिन 'शावर' शब्द का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं| गौरतलब है कि बुधवार को शिवसेना नगरसेवकों के नेता सुनील प्रभु ने कहा था कि मास्टर ...

सचिन के विज्ञापन पर शिवसेना और भाजपा को ऎतराज खास खबर

RSCCIDNEWS.COM राणा - रहमान बनें मुंबई हमलों के आरोपी

न्यूयॉर्क। अमेरीका की एक अदालत ने पाकिस्तान सेना के पूर्व अधिकारी अब्दुर रहमान. आतंकवादी संगठन लश्कर.ए.तैयबा के कमांडर इलियास कश्मीरी और पाकिस्तानी मूल के तहव्वुर हुसैन राणा पर मुंबई पर नवंबर 2008 में हुये भीषण आतंकवादी हमले की साजिश रचने का आरोपी बनाया गया है। मुंबई आतंकी हमले की साजिश की जांच कर रहे अमरीकी दल ने रहमान. कश्मीरी और राणा को इस हमले की साजिश रचने का आरोपी बनाया है। हालांकि इनमें से केवल राणा ही फिलहाल ...

कैदियों को मिल सकती है पत्नी से सेक्स की इजाजत?

मुम्बई।। एचआईवी पॉजिटिव कैदियों की बढ़ती संख्या के मद्देनजर बंबई हाई कोर्ट ने महाराष्ट्र सरकार से इस बात की संभावना की पड़ताल करने को कहा है कि क्या कैदियों को जेल में एकांत में अपनी पत्नी के साथ यौन संबंध बनाने की इजाजत दी जा सकती है। एचआईवी पॉजिटिव कैदियों को इलाज सुविधा मुहैया कराने के संबंध में दायर जनहित याचिका पर सुनवाई करते हुए जस्टिस पी. बी. मजूमदार और जस्टिस आर.जी. केतकर ने राज्य सरकार से 2 से 3 साल से जेल में बंद ...
डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड




RSCCIDNEWS.COM गे ग्लोबलाइजेशन का जश्न राजेश | 15 /01/ 2010, अब से दसेक साल पहले तक लोग आँख मारकर कहते थे, "इनके शौक़ ज़रा अलग हैं." 'नवाबी शौक़', 'पटरी से उतरी गाड़ी', 'राह से भटका मुसाफ़िर' जैसे जुमलों में तंज़ था लेकिन तिरस्कार या घृणा की जगह एक तरह की स्वीकार्यता भी थी.हमारे स्कूल में बदनाम मास्टर थे, हमारी गली में मटक-मटकर चलने वाले 'आंटी जी' थे, भारत की राजनीति में कई बड़ी हस्तियाँ थीं जिनकी 'अलग तरह की रंगीन-मिजाज़ी' के क़िस्से मशहूर थे लेकिन धारा 377 का नाम अशोक राव कवि के अलावा ज्यादा लोगों को पता नहीं था. भारत ऐसा देश है जहाँ अर्धानारीश्वर पूजे जाते हैं, किन्नरों का आशीर्वाद शुभ माना जाता है, बड़े-बड़े इज़्ज़तदार नवाब थे जिनकी वजह से 'नवाबी शौक़' जैसे मुहावरे की उत्पत्ति हुई, वहीं छक्के और हिजड़े दुत्कारे भी जाते हैं. ये सब अलग-अलग दौर की, अलग-अलग तबक़ों की, अलग-अलग सामाजिक संरचनाओं की बातें हैं लेकिन भारतीय चेतना में विवाह के दायरे में संतानोत्त्पति से जुड़े सर्वस्वीकृत विषमलिंगी सेक्स के इतर एक पूरा इंद्रधनुष है जिसमें सेक्स और मानव देह से जुड़े सभी तरह के रंग रहे हैं, उसकी बराबरी किसी और समाज में नहीं दिखती. लेकिन नए मिलेनियम में ऐसा कैसे हुआ कि क्वीर, ट्रांसवेस्टाइट, ट्रांससेक्सुअल, ट्रांसजेंडर, थर्ड सेक्स, ट्रैप्ड इन रॉन्ग बॉडी....न जाने कितने नए विशेषण अचानक हमारे बीच चले आए जिनका सही अर्थ ढूँढ पाना विराट यौन बहुलता वाली भारतीय संस्कृति के लिए बड़ी चुनौती बन गया.नए मिलेनियम में ऐसा क्या था जिसने भारतीय समाज के भीतर चुपचाप बह रही समलैंगिकता की धारा को सड़कों पर ला दिया, गे प्राइड मार्च सिर्फ़ कुछ वर्ष पहले तक भारत में कल्पनातीत बात थी.मेरी समझ से सिर्फ़ एक चीज़ नई थी वह है ग्लोबलाइज़ेशन.'गर्व से कहो हम गे हैं' का नारा 1960 के दशक के अंत में अमरीका के स्टोनवाल पब से शुरू हुए दंगों से जन्मा और दो दशक के भीतर पूंजीवादी पश्चिमी समाज में एक मानवाधिकार आंदोलन के रूप में फैल गया, 1990 आते आते यूरोप और अमरीका में लगभग पूरी राजनीतिक स्वीकार्यता मिली लेकिन समाजिक स्वीकार्यता आज भी बेहद मुश्किल है. दिल्ली हाइकोर्ट ने सहमति से होने वाले समलैंगिक यौनाचार को क़ानूनन अपराध की श्रेणी से हटा दिया तब जिस तरह का जश्न मना उससे यही लगा कि भारत में यही एक बड़ा मुद्दा था जो हल हो गया है, अब भारत दुनिया के अग्रणी देशों की पांत में खड़ा हो गया है. निस्संदेह आधुनिक पूंजीवादी पाश्चात्य लोकतांत्रिक मूल्यों के अनुरुप यह न्यायसम्मत फ़ैसला है, जो जश्न मना रहे हैं उनमें सिर्फ़ एलजीटीबी (गे, लेस्बियन, ट्रांससेक्सुअल एंड बाइसेक्सुअल) समुदाय के ही लोग नहीं हैं, मेरे पढ़े-लिखे, विवाहित, बाल-बच्चेदार, फेसबुक वाले, मल्टीनेशनल वाले, शिक्षित-सभ्य सुसंकृत शहरी दोस्त भी हैं. जश्न मनाने वालों से मुझे कोई शिकायत नहीं बल्कि उन्हें ही मुझसे है कि मैं इसे एक महान क्रांतिकारी घटना के तौर पर देखकर उनकी तरह हर्षित क्यों नहीं हो रहा हूँ. मेरे दोस्तों, मेरा मानना है कि यह उन चंद सौ लोगों का दबाव था जो भारत को पश्चिमी पैमाने पर एक विकसित लोकतंत्र के तौर पर सेलिब्रेट करना चाहते हैं. जल्दी ही आप देखेंगे कि भारत में 'क्रुएलिटी अगेंस्ट एनिमल' को रोकने के लिए आंदोलन चलेगा, एक कड़ा क़ानून बनेगा और आप फिर जश्न मनाएँगे. जब मैं छत्तीसगढ़ और झारखंड की लड़कियों की तस्करी, किसानों की आत्महत्या, आदिवासियों और दलितों के शोषण, भूखे बेघर बच्चों की पीड़ा का मातम मनाता हूँ, जब मैं उम्मीद की क्षीण किरण 'नरेगा' को लेकर उत्साहित हो जाता हूँ तब आप मेरे सुख-दुख कहाँ शामिल होते हैं. RSCCIDWEBMEDIA.COM अन्य ख़बरें * महंगाई के लिए केंद्र को दोषमायावती * क़ीमतों पर बातचीत करेंगे प्रधानमंत्री * बीटी बैंगन की खेती पर बहस शुरू * भारत दौरा सफल रहा: शेख हसीना * दोषियों को सज़ा दी जाए: कृष्णा

इस सदी का सबसे लंबे समय तक चलने वाला वलयाकार सूर्य ग्रहण भारत के तमिलनाडु समेत दुनिया में अनेक जगहों पर दिखा. तस्वीरें..

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सलमा ज़ैदी . | बुधवार, 13 /1/ 2010, 12:49 IST

एक लड़की का बचपन में ही उसके एक संबंधी ने बलात्कार किया.

मध्यमवर्गीय माता-पिता ने लोकलाज के डर से यह बात ज़ाहिर नहीं होने दी.

वयस्क होने पर मध्यप्रदेश के शहडोल समाज के ज़रिए उसकी शादी तय हुई. कौमार्य परीक्षण के दौरान वे घाव फिर कुरेदे गए जिससे लड़की और उसके माता-पिता बड़ी मुश्किल से उबर पाए थे.

यह एक काल्पनिक स्थिति है. लेकिन वास्तविक भी हो सकती थी.

अब ज़रा दूसरी ओर देखिए.

एक लड़का शादी से पहले अनगिनत औरतों से यौन संबंध बना चुका है.

उसे खुली छूट है कि वह किसी कुवाँरी लड़की को अपनी जीवनसंगिनी बनाए.

परीक्षण हो तो इस बात का हो कि लड़का या लड़की किसी यौन रोग से पीड़ित तो नहीं हैं.

उनके ख़ून की जाँच हो ताकि पता चले कि आने वाली पीढ़ी में किसी संक्रमण का ख़तरा तो नहीं है.

कौमार्य परीक्षण से क्या सिद्ध किए जाने का इरादा है?

क्या किसी विधवा, तलाक़शुदा, परित्यकता या बलात्कार की शिकार लड़की को अपना जीवन दोबारा बसाने का अधिकार नहीं है.

कौमार्य पर इतना ज़ोर क्यों?

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आत्महत्या करते नाबालिग

ज़ुबैर अहमद| बुधवार, 13 जनवरी 2010, 11:04 IST

क्या आपके बच्चे 10 से 15 साल की आयु के हैं? क्या वे अक्सर उदास रहते हैं? क्या वे गुस्से में अपनी जान लेने की धमकी देते हैं? क्या वे इस कम उम्र में ग़म के गाने ज़्यादा सुनते हैं? अगर हाँ, तो आपको उनकी तरफ ज़्यादा ध्यान देना पड़ेगा.

भारत में नाबालिग बच्चों द्वारा आत्महत्या करने के मामलों की तादाद बढ़ती जा रही है. हाल में आई एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार अमरीका की तरह भारत में भी 10 से 15 साल के लड़के और लड़कियों द्वारा आत्महत्या के मामलों में 2004 से 75 प्रतिशत बढ़ोत्तरी हुई है.

इसका उदाहरण हमें मुंबई में नए वर्ष के पहले सप्ताह में देखने को मिला. नए वर्ष के पहले कुछ दिनों में दो आत्महत्याओं की ख़बर ने मुंबई शहर के लोगों को झकझोर कर रख दिया है.

आत्महत्याओं की ख़बरें यूँ भी हमें उदास कर देती हैं लेकिन नाबालिग बच्चों द्वारा की गई आत्महत्याओं की ख़बरें हमें बड़ा झटका देती हैं.

नया साल शुरू होने के दुसरे दिन यह खबर आई कि 11वर्षीय नेहा सावंत ने अपने ही दुपट्टे से लटककर आत्महत्या कर ली. नेहा ने टीवी प्रोग्राम बूगी-वूगी में एक साल पहले भाग लिया था.

ख़बरों के अनुसार वो डांस के अन्य प्रोग्रामों में भाग लेना चाहती थी लेकिन घरवालों ने मना कर दिया और पढ़ाई पर ध्यान देने को कहा था. उसके माता-पिता इस बात से इनकार करते हैं कि उनकी 11वर्षीय बेटी पर किसी तरह का दबाव था.

इस ख़बर के झटके से शहर संभल भी नहीं सका था कि 12 वर्ष के सुशंत पाटिल द्वारा दादर में अपने स्कूल में ही आत्महत्या की ख़बर ने सनसनी फैला दी. वो छह में से चार विषयों में फ़ेल हो गया था. सवाल यह है कि इन दो नाबालिग बच्चों को अपनी जान लेने पर किस चीज़ ने मजबूर किया..?

आमतौर पर इस उम्र के बच्चों में जीने की उमंग होती है और वो मौत से घबराते हैं. यह दो आत्महत्याएं मुंबई में चर्चा का विषय हैं.

कोई कहता है सिस्टम की ग़लती है तो कोई माँ बाप को ज़िम्मेदार मानता है और कुछ लोगों के अनुसार आजकल के बच्चे छोटी-छोटी नाकामयाबियों के कारण उदास हो जाते हैं और डिप्रेशन का शिकार हो जाते हैं.

एक दो नाबलिग बच्चों की माँ ने मुझसे कहा कि उसके हिसाब से मुंबई में जगह की कमी है जिसके कारण बच्चे स्कूल के बाद खेलने घर से बाहर नहीं जा पाते और घरों में रहकर बोर हो जाते हैं. एक अन्य माँ ने कहा कि परिवार वाले इसके ज़िम्मेदार हैं क्योंकि वे बच्चों पर 90 प्रतिशत अंक हासिल करने के लिए भरपूर दबाव डालते हैं.

कारण जो भी हो, इन दो नाबालिग बच्चों द्वारा आत्महत्या हमारे लिए खतरे की घंटी की तरह है. मेरी भी एक कम उम्र की बेटी है. अब मैं ख़ुद से यह सवाल करने लगा हूँ कि कहीं बच्चों की परवरिश में हम से या समाज से चूक तो नहीं हो रही है.

सच में यह बहुत ग़लत और दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है. आज ज़रूरत इस बात की है कि सभी अभिभावक अपने बच्चों के साथ सप्ताह में कम से कम एक बार दोस्तों की तरह बातचीत करें. हम 'हम तारे ज़मीन पर' और ' 3 इडियट्स ' जैसी फ़िल्मों पर तो काफ़ी समय खर्च करते हैं लेकिन अपने बारे में सोचने के लिए थोड़ा भी समय नहीं देते हैं. मेरी सभी अभिभावकों से गुज़ारिश है कि वे अपने बच्चों के अंर्तमन में झांकने की कोशिश करें, उनकी पसंद-नापसंद जानने की कोशिश करें और उनसे अपने अनुभव साझा करें.
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“ AS YOU SOW, SO SHALL YOU REAP !” The world is slowly waking up to the reality of definite linkages between economic development and environmental sustainability. Climate change is not taking centre stage globally, representing one of the greatest environmental, social and economic threats facing the planet, being the focus of discussions in various governmental, economic and academic fora.

What is Climate Change ?

When man-made emissions of greenhouse gases are released to the atmosphere, they envelop the earth, letting heat and sunlight in but not letting it escape, causing the temperature of the earth to slowly increase. This phenomenon is known as global warming and one of its direct impacts is climate change. The warming of the earth’s atmosphere, land mass and seas affect the delicately balance weather system. Human actions, mainly the discharge of greenhouse gases from smokestacks, vehicles and burning forests, are the leading perpetrators of the environmental crime. With the probable exemption of one more world war, a huge asteroid, or a fatal plague global warming may be the biggest danger to our Planet Earth.

Causes of Climate change :

The major cause of climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. Power Plants emit large amounts of CO2 produced from burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation. About 20% of CO2 emitted in the atmosphere comes from burning gasoline in the engines of vehicles. Methane is more than 20 times as effectual as Co2 at entrapping heat in the atmosphere. It is obtained from resources such as rice paddies, bovine flatulence, bacteria in bogs and fossil fuel manufacture. When fields are flooded, anaerobic situation build up and organic matter in the soil decays, releasing methane to the atmosphere. The main sources of nitrous oxide include nylon and nitric acid production, cars with catalytic converters, the use of fertilizers in agriculture and burning of organic matter . Another cause of climate change is agriculture and land-use changes like deforestation.

Effects of climate change :

The warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is not evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global mean sea level. The Earth’s average surface temperature has risen by 0.76* since 1850, with most of the warming that has occurred over the last 50 years very likely to have been caused by human activities .

In its Fourth Assessment Report (AR$) , published in 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects that, without further action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the global average surface temperature is likely to rise by a further 1.8-4.0* C this century, and by up to 6.4*C in the worst case scenario. Even the lower end of this range would take the temperature increase since pre-industrial times above 2*C – the threshold beyond which irreversible and possibly catastrophic changes become fare more likely. Projected global warming this century is likely to trigger serious consequences for mankind and other life forms in the following ways :

Ø Due to melting glacier ice and expansion of warmer seawater, a rise in sea levels of between 18 and 59 cms will endanger coastal areas and small islands.

Ø A greater frequency and severity of extreme weather events like hurricanes, tropical cyclones and heat waves.

Ø The amount and pattern of precipitation has also changes, probably including expansion of subtropical deserts. Warmer temperatures have led to heavier rainfall causing flooding in many regions; they also cause a higher rate of evaporation and more drought in some areas .

Ø The continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice is expected , with warming being strongest in the Arctic. Melting ice may also lead to changes in ocean circulation.

Ø Ecosystems are changing leading to species extinctions. As temperatures warm, species may either migrate to a cooler, more suitable habitat of die. Species that are particularly vulnerable include many endangered species, coral reefs and polar animals .

Ø Warming has also cause changes in agricultural yields, the timing of spring events and the length of the growing season.

History of Climate Change :

1979 : First World Climate Conference adopts climate change as a major issue.

1988 : UN Sets up the IPCC.

1992 : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

(UNFCCC) signed by 154 nations

in Rio..

1997: Kyoto protocol agrees legally binding emissions cuts for industrialized nations, averaging 5.4% to be met by 2010.

2002 : Parliaments in EU, Japan and 2009 : A major study suggests that

others ratify Kyoto. Humanity can emit no more than

1 trillion tones of carbon, if we are to avoid temperature rises of 2*C or more.

(Editorial coloumn by our Experts in association with RSCCIDNEWS.COM).

Post your comments pl.


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India's year in review

Indian woman selling national flagsIt has been a strange year.

On the one hand, some stability returned to politics with the Congress party managing a fairly comfortable majority in the general elections. After the horrors of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, India actually went through 2009 without a terror strike. The economy appeared to have weathered the worldwide recession. Indian science and cricket scaled new heights. On the other hand, the year held out ominous portents - Maoist rebels are threatening to go to war with the Indian state; food inflation is threatening to negate the gains of improved growth; and, egged on by the movement for Telangana, homegrown separatism is rearing its head again. There is growing suspicion that the country's natural resources are being bartered away cheaply. All this - and more - could turn 2010 into an extremely restive year.

Here's my pick of the defining events of 2009:


The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) proudly calls itself the "party with a difference". By the end of the year, India's main opposition was a party with many differences - within. When it was trounced by Congress at the general election, its fortunes hit rock bottom. Since then nothing has gone right: its leaders have bickered bitterly and openly; and one of them was banished , ostensibly for writing a book on Mohammed Ali Jinnah.

Party president and paterfamilias LK Advani looked jaded, and as the year wound down he handed over the baton as leader of the parliamentary party to a younger colleague. He also handed over the party presidency.LK Advani of BJP

Whatever the changes, the BJP appeared lost. Critics say that ideologically, the party is past its sell-by date - still making noises about building temples, refusing to come to terms with the fact that India has grown up and strident Hindu nationalism has lost its vote-catching lustre. Others say the BJP's only hope appears to lie in reinventing itself as a modern day, right-of-centre, Indian Conservative party. But observers find the leadership uninspiring. They say the party's best chance of revival is a dramatic slide in Congress fortunes.


He began as a gawky politician with a disarming smile that won him more female admirers than serious followers. But Rahul Gandhi, the latest scion of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, showed some serious political mettle this year.

Travelling through the northern Indian heartland - especially in Uttar Pradesh - Mr Gandhi quietly worked on rejuvenating his party's grassroots network and attracting younger talent, his supporters say. His party staged a comeback of sorts in Uttar Pradesh - a return from virtual politician oblivion after two decades.Rahul Gandhi  mask

Mr Gandhi has his work cut out for him - revitalising Congress and making it less of a family enterprise. Apparently he believes the party should go it alone, bucking the current narrative of coalition politics. Most analysts feel he may be wrong on this, and that coalition politics is here to stay in a complex country like India. 2010 will prove whether Mr Gandhi can help maintain his party's momentum - and even perhaps take up the cabinet position which he has repeatedly been offered.


India, by and large, escaped the ravages of the global recession. Its conservative banking system and lower exposure to the world economy possibly saved the day. But to be fair, thousands lost jobs and companies stopped hiring and slashed costs. Spending plummeted and the property bubble burst. India workers waiting for jobs

Now Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is holding out the hope of slightly higher growth - 7% plus - in this fiscal year. Companies have begun hiring again and spending is up. However, many economists believe that India's growth is not pulling enough people out of abject poverty, while deepening the divide between the haves and the have-nots. Even if India hits double-digit growth like China, there will be no reason to party when a third of its people live in dire poverty and milions of children go underfed. Why does an increasingly rich country treat its poor so shabbily?


When Tata Motors unveiled the world's cheapest car, everyone sat up and took notice. The buzz around the rear-engined, four-passenger, 624cc Nano, whose basic model costs $2155, had been immense - one magazine wrote that it embodied a "contrarian philosophy of smaller, lighter, cheaper" transport.Nano The Nano is a nifty little car all right. User reviews have been mixed: most say it's great value for money, but caution that it may not be the safest car on the road. Others believe it's safer than the wobbly three-wheeled auto-rickshaw. Next year will tell whether Nano is a path-breaker or a risky gimmick. Customers seem to know what they want. The Nano's order books - more than 200,000 orders and counting - are full. Newsweek magazine, meanwhile, worries about potential "global gridlock" caused by Nanos and their ilk.



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The human body, with all its powers of endurance, its life preserving systems for combating disease and taking in nourishment, and its ability through the senses to interpret what is happening in the world outside it, is like some marvelously complex machine.

But unlike a machine, it also has the capacity for pleasure and sensitivity to pain. And no machine, however futuristic, could match the body's ability to grow and to repair broken bones and damaged tissues, or its even more remarkable ability to maintain or multiply the human population by generating new life.

All these powers and capacities, all the strengths and intricacies of the body, could be reduced to a few handful of chemical elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, proteins, minerals, fats, trace elements and water which are all contained in the body's cells - microscopic structures, only a few hundredths of millimeter in diameter, but with the ability to absorb nourishment, grow, excrete wastes and increase in numbers by dividing in two.

Important Days of our history TODAY IN । इतिहास के महत्वपूर्ण दिवस

January 9 NRI Day
January 10 World Laughter Day
January 12 National Youth Day
January 15 Army Day
January 26 India’s Republic Day, International Customs Day
January 30 Martyrs’ Day; World Leprosy Eradication Day
2nd Sunday of February World Marriage Day
February 24 Central Excise Day
February 28 National Science Day

Size-Zero Models Replaced by Normal Women in German Magazine

Category: Diet News RSS
Tuesday, January 05, 2010 at 8:09:31 PM
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The first issue of German fashion magazine Brigitte has used amateur models after banning professionals following complaints and criticism from its readers.

In October last year, the 700,000-circulation magazine had promised to stop featuring size-zero models.

Many readers had protested that they could not relate to models with "protruding bones".

The editor of the magazine, Andreas Lebert, even admitted that the models on Brigitte used to be so thin that they often had to "fatten them up" using Photoshop.

However, the magazine announced that it would snap "normal women" on its pages in future.

"It is not a question of them suddenly becoming models. They simply step out of their normal lives for a moment and present fashion for us as personalities," the Independent quoted Lebert as saying.

A total of 20,000 women put themselves forward after the "normal women as models" campaign was announced.

Sybille Zschaber, history teacher at a Hamburg grammar school, is one of the few who have made it.

Zschaber has been made to look like late German actress Marlene Dietrich in the January issue.


Indian Democracy | भारतीय लोकतंत्र

January 1st, 2010 by Ashish Saklecha

India is considered a well-established democracy. Looking back, it has been a momentous journey since Independence in 1947 and adoption of the Constitution on January 26, 1950. Yet, the Indian democracy has not fructified. Its constitutional goals and democratic aspirations remain unrealised.

Even though the Indian democracy has withstood six decades of social, economic, political challenges, including an 18-month long State of Emergency, the challenge to its democratic governance persists. Simply put, “The rule of law” does not prevail in India. In fact, threats to the rule of law are relentlessly subverting Indian democracy and imperilling its system of governance in the country.

It has been proved beyond doubt that social and economic progress achieved by developed democratic societies is directly the result of their vigilant protection and enforcement of the rule of law.

The right to equality before the law, often phrased as ‘equal protection of the law’, is fundamental to any just and democratic society. Rich or poor, majority or minority, political ally of the State or its opponent—all are entitled to equal protection before the law.

We may argue that life does not treat every one equally and even in the same family each member has a different course of life. However, the State and its systems are the creation of man and not of fate and the State has the responsibility to treat all its citizens equally. According to the constitutional law expert John P. Frank, “Under no circumstances should the State impose additional inequalities; it should be required to deal evenly and equally with all of its people.”

In a democratic State, no one is above the law. Democracy is for the people, by the people and of the people, said Abraham Lincoln. The laws in a democratic State are created in the name of the people by the elected representatives of the people. They are not supposed to be imposed upon them. There is a sound presumption that citizens of a democracy submit to their laws because they know that they are submitting to themselves, however indirectly, as makers of laws. Once the laws have been made and the people obey them, both law and democracy prevail.

The history of every society shows that the power-holders tend to get corrupt and tyrannical. In a demo-cracy, those who administer the criminal justice system hold great power and the potential for its abuse is inevitably there. The State power is exercised to imprison, seize property, torture, exile and execute individuals without legal justification—and even without any formal charges being brought. A democratic society that tolerates such abuses faces the peril of
curtailing its democracy and even losing it.

No State can exist without having the power to maintain order and punish criminal acts. Democratic States too must have the power to punish the wrong-doers but the rules and procedures by which the State enforces its laws must be explicit, transparent and open to the public view. Yet, no democratic State is free from secret, arbitrary and manipulative power and political trickery.

There are essential requirements of due process of law in a democracy that may be briefly described as follows:

[1] No one’s home can be broken into and searched by the police without a court order showing that there is good cause for such a search. The midnight knock of the secret police is repugnant to democracy.

[2] No person can be arrested without manifest, written charges that specify the alleged violation. The accused are entitled to know the exact nature of the charge against them and must be released at once under the doctrine known as habeas corpus, if the court finds the charge and arrest invalid.

[3] Persons charged with offence should not be held for protracted periods in prison. They must have the right to a speedy public trial, and to cross-examine their accusers.

[4] The authorities must grant bail, or conditional release, to the accused pending trial, if there is little likelihood of the suspect to flee or commit other crimes. “Cruel and unusual” punishment, as determined by the traditions and laws of the society, such as
community panchayat’s punishing members of their community for violation of their customs, must be prohibited.

[5] Persons must not be compelled to be witnesses against themselves. This prohibition must be absolute and the police must not use torture or physical or psychological abuse against suspects. A legal system that bans forced confessions stops the police from using torture, threats, or other forms of abuse to obtain information because the court will not allow such information as evidence during trial.

[6] No person shall be subject to double jeopardy; that is, no one be charged with the same offence twice.

[7] The so-called ex post facto laws are also proscribed. These are laws made after the fact so that someone can be charged with an offence even though the act was not illegal at the time it was committed.

[8] Defendants should have access to additional protections against coercive acts by the State. For example, in the United States the accused have a right to a lawyer who represents them at all stages of a criminal proceeding, even if the accused is not able to pay for such legal service. The police must inform suspects of their rights at the time of their arrest, including the right to have a lawyer and the right to remain silent for avoiding being witness against themselves.

Though efforts have been made to enforce and institutionalise the rule of law in India they have not achieved the intended results. We cannot say that the normative framework of constitutional governance does not exist in the country. This has been provided by India’s Constitution and many institutions have also been established under it. However, no deep values have been ingrained, nor unassailable principles, as directed by the Constitution, are being practiced by India’s institutions. As a result, the Indian society is bereft of the benefits of constitutionalism.

Six decades of governance should have been long enough for a country like India with a very long tradition of Satyamev Jayate to develop institutions whose working would reflect both inherited and acquired values of enlightenment and rational social and political conduct. All that our institutions have done is to rouse high social expectations with a modicum of their fulfilment. The abuse of power has, in fact, become a universal phenomenon.

The Indian judiciary enjoys good reputation both nationally and internationally for its progressive interpretation of various provisions of the Constitution that has helped promote the cause of social justice. Judicial interpretations have expanded the scope of our fundamental rights as enshrined in the Constitution. Higher Judiciary has also helped overcome restrictions on rules relating to locus standi and created new avenues for seeking remedies for violation of human rights. It has allowed public interest litigation petitions and genuinely intervened in the areas of child labour, bonded labour, clean and healthy environment, and women’s rights, to cite a few instances of judicial intervention. Such judicial interventions on behalf of human rights have been successful in upholding the rule of law.

But, in view of the vast and unmitigated violations of justice, these judicial achievements simply pale into insignificance. The scale of prevailing inequalities and violations of human and fundamental rights have made the Indian democratic State look like a despotic dispensation. Enforcing the rule of law itself remains a fundamental challenge, leave aside other innumerable crises of the Indian legal system. We do have the laws, but no implementation of these laws; we have a vast body of rules that are followed more in their violation than in their observation.

The behaviour of those who govern is highly reprehensible. They have no respect for the laws of the land. Citizens too have ceased to care for the laws and be law-abiding. This lack of respect for laws by the government and the people at large is becoming a most serious threat to Indian democracy. The Indian people are fast losing trust and faith in the democratic institutions.

Passing more laws and establishing more institutions is causing what appears to be an organized confusion in the legal system of the country. Plethora of laws and increasing number of Tribunals, Rights Commissions and Forums are only increasing the role and size of the insensitive bureaucracy in the system of governance. They are creating and perpetuating an unjust society that the people now accept as a fact to live with. There is need for a fundamental re-examination of the approaches that have been adopted to enforce the rule of law and critically examine the effectiveness of Indian democracy.

A report of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution in India noted: “The paradox of India, however, is that in spite of a vigilant press and public opinion, the level of corruption is exceptionally high. This may be attributed to the utter insensitivity, lack of shame and the absence of any sense of public morality among the bribe-takers. Indeed, they wear their badge of corruption and shamelessness with equal élan and brazenness.”

In the last decade there has been an expansion of legal education. Innumerable law schools and universities have come up but the ethical standards in the legal profession have sunk very low. Both judges and advocates now indulge in corrupt practices. The law itself favours the criminals; complainants and witnesses suffer the most in the crowded courts and through interminable trials. Adjournments have become a bane of almost every court, highest and lowest in the whole country. Neither the judges nor the successful lawyers now inspire the youth. They have created an unbridgeable gap between the law as it obtains in the books and the law as it is actually practiced in the courts of diverse description.

Democracy and the rule of law are inextricably connected. Urgent steps are needed to establish a rule of law society in India or else our credibility as a democracy will get destroyed.

January 07, 2010

India preparing weapon system to neutralise enemy satellites: Saraswat

Last Updated: Jan 03, 2010

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM (PTI): Indian defence scientists are readying a weapon system to neutralise enemy satellites operating in low-earth orbit, a top defence scientist said here Sunday.

"India is putting together building blocks of technology that could be used to neutralise enemy satellites," Defence Research and Development Organisation Director General V K Saraswat told reporters on the sidelines of the 97th Indian Science Congress.

However, he added that the defence scientists have not planned any tests but have started planning such technology which could be used to leapfrog to build a weapon in case the country needed it.

Saraswat, who is also the Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister, said the scientists were planning to build the weapon which would have the capacity to hit and destroy satellites in low-earth orbit and polar orbit.

Usually, satellites in such orbits are used for network centric warfare and neutralising such spacecraft would deny enemy access to its space assets.

"We are working to ensure space security and protect our satellites.

At the same time we are also working on how to deny the enemy access to its space assets," he said.

To achieve such capabilities, a kill vehicle needs to be developed and that process is being carried out under the Ballistic Missile Defence programme.

"Basically, these are deterrence technologies and quite certainly many of these technologies will not be used.

I hope they are not used," Saraswat said.

In January 2007, China had demonstrated its capability to destroy satellites by conducting an anti-satellite test.

It had launched a missile that blew to smithereens an ageing weather satellite Fengyun 1C orbiting at a distance of 500 miles away from the earth.

Saraswat said the DRDO is building an advanced version of its interceptor missile with a range of 120-140 km.

The missile interceptor is expected to be test fired in September.

Space security is going to be a major issue in the future and India should not be left behind in this area, the defence scientist said.

Skin Cancer can be Prevented by Common Drug

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Thursday, January 07, 2010 at 9:35:46 PM
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Relevance of Ambedkar

From Editor's Column in the April 27, 1991, issue, assessing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's role in Indian politics, in his birth centenary year.


Dr B.R. Ambedkar. No other national figure in Indian politics in the 20th century matched his scholarly orientation.

IN the centenary year of his birth, Babasaheb Ambedkar stands taller than he ever did before – his role in the struggle for a modern, new India gaining steadily in weight, stature and centrality at the expense of various other outstanding national figures who were contemporaries and opponents in the great battles of the freedom movement era. This is essentially because the deep-seated and central problems spotlighted by his life, struggles, studies and experimentation in ideas remain alive and kicking while the big socio-political questions he raised about the state, well-being and future of India remain basically unanswered.

He was born Bhimrao on April 14, 1891, at Mhow in Central India in an austere and religious Mahar family with a military service background and considerable respect for education. In school (Satara and Bombay), college (Bombay), service under the Maharaja of Baroda (briefly in 1913 and again between July and November 1917) and study abroad (Columbia University, the London School of Economics, Gray’s Inn, the University of Bonn), he displayed a scholarly orientation, a commitment to the life of the mind and trained intellectual gifts that no other national figure in Indian politics could match over this century.

He benefited from opportunities which had just opened up, which none in his family (or, for that matter, in the recorded history of his people) had access to over the centuries; yet every one of his academic, intellectual and professional achievements was hard earned, in social battle, against entrenched oppression, discrimination and anti-human prejudice. By the time he was finished with his formal studies in the early 1920s, Dr Ambedkar had acquired qualifications that surpassed the M.A., Ph.D., M.Sc. (Econ), D.Sc. (Econ), Barrister-at-law he had added, by right, to his name and title; the young man had been through a real life educational experience which most people (including the most renowned scholars) do not manage to acquire in a lifetime.

There may be various opinions on the formidable range of issues and controversies in which Dr Ambedkar figured as a protagonist over 40 years of his public life – which can be said to have begun with the sharp and insightful paper on “The Castes in India, Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development” which he did for Dr Goldenweiser’s anthropology seminar in New York in May 1916. He was a searchingly honest, challenging, analytical eclectic liberal thinker who was attracted to utilitarianism (and eventually to Buddhism) in philosophy and to the ideals of the French Revolution as much as to the socially forward-looking and humanistic elements and values in Indian culture and civilisation over the millennia.

He delved into the Marxist classics… but was not persuaded either by the revolutionary theory or the practice. He was emphatically opposed to Gandhism and to the Congress ideology, although on some social issues he shared common points with Jawaharlal Nehru – who badly let down his Minister of Law on the Hindu Code Bill in the early 1950s. Right from his early days, Ambedkar made a mark as a restless and courageous experimenter who, obviously, did not always get it right in the matter of trade-offs (and did not claim to). He fell in love with ideas as a socially oppressed and humiliated schoolboy who refused to be taken for a ride by anyone, including Baroda’s royalty. Throughout his life (which ended on December 6, 1956, a couple of months after he publicly embraced Buddhism along with his followers), he was interested in the big picture. But the boy who was socially barred from playing cricket with his schoolmates in Satara (by the curse of untouchability) never took his eye off the ball. He concentrated in his public life on attainable, practical goals and never became too big to go into specifics, details, doubts, books, the problems of ordinary people, especially the lowliest of the low in Indian society.

What is absolutely clear in this centenary year is that Dr Ambedkar represented, in the truly national sense, the profound side of the socio-political struggle which formed an irrepressible part of the nationalist movement, although it was not often understood (by conservatism and orthodoxy in politics) to be such. Politically moderate, he tended towards radicalism and uncompromising struggle in the social arena in which he generalled many battles. His lifelong concern with religion, morality and justice in the idealistic sense was marked by a restlessly serious attempt to get the intellectual, social and political measure of these things. He did not believe in class analysis, but intuitively and intellectually grasped the link between caste and class in India.

Ideologically, Dr Ambedkar occupied the “centre”, frequently the space right of centre, but at times he moved sharply the other way, to the radical side. This happened especially when his ideas, campaigns and political organisational work were backed by powerful mass movements (in the “radical” second half of the 1930s, for example, during the 1938 workers’ struggle in Bombay against the anti-strike Bill). He was the builder of the Independent Labour Party, which did not take off in an all-India sense, but yielded some valuable political, ideological and organisational lessons to the Opposition round the nation. Despite his chairmanship of the Constitution Draft Committee in the Constituent Assembly and his stint in the Union Ministry under Nehru, Dr Ambedkar can be considered as a founder of non-Congressism and anti-Congressism in Indian politics.

Even while championing social egalitarianism and popular liberties and criticising the sway of big business and landlordism, campaigning for social and economic democracy, he remained a conscious ideological and political adversary of Marxism and Communism – for the basic reason that he found them challenging in the same way he found Buddhism inspiring. He had a number of interesting things to say about tricky national problems – Kashmir, language, nationhood, citizenship, ethnicity and so on – and his analysis lit up the field for a proper democratic understanding of federalism and Centre-State relations in India. On international questions and foreign policy, his approach was that of a centrist-conservative dissenting from non-alignment and from the Nehruvian (not to mention radical) world view.The social and class basis of the following he commanded; the non-philanthropic, non-petitioning nature of his social questioning; his passion for social justice (going well beyond Gandhiji’s compromising vision so far as the ancien regime and the oppressed sections were concerned) and democratic liberties; his openness to modern, scientific and rational ideas, his unyielding secularism and progressive views on a number of questions, especially on the condition and future of women and on what it took to make a civil society; his great intellectual gifts and wide-ranging interests; his ability to concentrate on attainable, practical goals and his constructive sense of realism – these marked him out as a unique kind of leader.

The recent period of socio-political development in India has seen a blossoming of Hindutva and a majority chauvinist ideological and political offensive which can only be classified as extremist in relation to national unity. At this juncture, Dr Ambedkar’s fearless analysis of the caste system, of chaturvarnya, of notions of pollution, of unalterable or rigid social hierarchy and so forth, and of the implications of the hegemony of the shastras must be read, re-read and made part of a national debate. His major theoretical exposition of such questions is contained in a 1936 presidential address which stirred up a hornet’s nest, the radical “Annihilation of Caste”. This ideological offering to the building of a new India must be ranked on a par with his signal and justly celebrated contribution to the making of a Republican Constitution.

In this work, Dr Ambedkar emphasised the anti-social, anti-progress character of an unjust social order as well as its vital connection, through networks of force and ideology, with political power. The caste system, in his analysis, militated against fraternity, “sanghatan and cooperation for a good cause”, public charity and broad-based virtue and morality. “Chaturvarnya must fail for the very reason for which Plato’s Republic must fail,” warned the seriously read intellectual as social rebel. He pointed out that “the lower classes of Hindus” were “completely disabled for direct action on account of a wretched system”. He asserted: “There cannot be a more degrading system of social organisation. ... It is the system which deadens, paralyses and cripples the people from helpful activity.” He attempted to follow through the implications of this system in the political sphere. To him the real remedy was “to destroy the belief in the sanctity of the shastras” and their caste-borne tyranny.

One battle in which social orthodoxy and opportunist politics allied to defeat progress was the instructive fight over the Hindu Code Bill in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The leading author of the Constitution led the effort to institute a reasonably forward-looking and egalitarian Hindu Code law (especially from the standpoint of women), but it was sabotaged by orthodox elements. The Congress party, despite Nehru’s claim to rationality and progressivism, refused to support the Bill.

His solid contribution to institution-building apart, he had a great deal to say about democracy as a real way of life and about citizens’ rights, about authoritarianism and also about a healthy democratic political system. He detested hereditary, dynastic rule and a one-party system. “To have popular government run by a single party is to let democracy become a mere form for despotism to play its parts from behind it,” is a typical Ambedkar formulation. He warned: “Despotism does not cease to be despotism because it is elective. The real guarantee against despotism is to confront it with the possibility of its dethronement, of its being laid low, of its being superseded by a rival party.” Dr Ambedkar clearly had little use for political stability premised on a single party’s rule, or on a social philosophy of “letting sleeping dogs lie”.

Two other political principles which he focussed on have been honoured in their systematic and cynical violation over the years. Do not lay liberties at the feet of a great man; in politics, bhakti or hero-worship is a sure road to degradation. Make political democracy a social democracy; resolve the contradictions, else they will undermine, or blow up, democracy itself. Over a historic century, the many-sided achievement of Dr Ambedkar inspires awe.

(In association with Frontline Edition 1991 )

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